Sunday, March 3, 2013

Benefits of Mangroves

  • Nursery: Mangroves are fish nurseries as they serve as a source of food for fish, shrimp and crabs that live in rivers and the shallow areas of the sea/ocean, and provide a safe haven for fish, shrimp and crab.

  • Nutrients: Mangroves absorb excess nutrients from runoff and recycle nutrients back into the environment.

  • Sediment: Mangroves act as a sediment trap, thereby assisting in the accretion of coastal sediments and further adding to the protection of low-lying inland areas.

  • Toxins: Mangrove roots filter out the toxins from water before it enters the sea which provides for healthier water, leading to more fish which is beneficial to the commercial fishing industry.

  • Buffer System: Mangrove forests leave a corridor along the beach that protects buildings from wind, waves, and tides and allows animals to migrate.

  • Ecosystem Corridor:  This allows animals, plants and ecological processes to move from one habitat to another which helps in their development and protects them from predators

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