Monday, February 18, 2013

Killer Whales

  • Common Name: Killer Whale
  • Scientific Name: Orcinus orca
  • Habitat: All oceans and most seas.  Prefer higher latitudes and coastal areas.
  • Reproduction: 
  • Conservation Status: Data Deficient
  • Interesting Facts:
    • Killer whales hunt cooperatively, like a wolf pack.
    • The average life span of a killer whale in the wild is 50-80 years old.
    • Killer whales can weigh up to six tons
  • Major Issue: The killer whale is at risk of poisoning from accumulation of toxins.
  • Why?:  I chose this animal because I really like the way that killer whales look, and although I think that they are an interesting organism, I don't know all that much about them.

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