Sunday, March 24, 2013

Whale Identification

Flukes are used to identify whales because they are easily noticeable and each species of whale has a very unique fluke that is unlike the other species.  Scientists need this data in order to know what whale they are researching, otherwise their data would be very general.  They can observe the movement of different species of whales to understand what those groups are doing and how they are reacting to their environment.  The most difficult part of the whale identification lab was that the pictures used to identify the flukes weren't very clear so many of them were similar.  The lab could be changed for the better by making either more flukes to identify or by making it harder to identify the flukes that were given because the lab was very short in and of itself.


Overfishing is a main concern in today's world because although it helps the economy in the short run, it destroys habitats and can result in a lack of fish in the ocean.  This means that there will not enough fish to breed and produce the next generation of fish and it also disrupts the food chain.  Overfishing affects my daily life because a lack of fish in the ocean and a disrupted food chain disrupts the food chain of the whole world, making a less plentiful source of food that we humans get from the ocean.  Although overfishing seems like it would help the economy, it actually hurts it in the long run.  One choice that I could make to help with this problem is that I could choose not to support organizations that partake in the practice of overfishing.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Ocean Trash

Plastic nets are a big problem because they annihilate organisms by ghost fishing.  Plastic bottles additionally abuse the ocean because they decompose extremely slowly and can mistaken for food and choked on. Plastic pellets are a huge problem to ocean organisms as they are frequently mistaken for food, eaten, and annihilate organisms.  Plastic bags affect a huge portion of the ocean as they can calmly be mistaken for food for squid, eaten, and annihilate the animal that captivated it.  Six-pack rings entangle and annihilate marine organisms also.

Cone Snail

  • Common Name: Cone Snail
  • Scientific Name: Conus magus
  • Adaptations: sedative secretion,venom, and shell shape
  • Hunting Strategies: Cones use a modified tooth that they shoot like a harpoon to kill prey.
  • Reproduction: Sexually
  • Interesting facts: The venom of the cone is strong enough to possibly kill a human

Sea Grass Adaptations

In acknowledgment to aerial beachcomber activity environments, seagrasses acquired well-developed stems, referred to as rhizomes. Blades grow from the basis or from branches basic at the rhizome. Roots extending from the basis additionally help in anchoring and absorbing up nutrients. The ribbon-shaped grass blades are flexible, angling with any movement. Air spaces extending through the blades, rhizomes, and roots provide flotation mechanisms. Sea grass provides aliment to animals by being directly eaten, or accepting the algae that grows on it eaten off. There are different types of organisms in the sea grass ambiance like residents, who live in the sea grass  migrants, who drift to the sea grass circadian and frequently, and travelers, who appointment seasonally.

Sea Grasses

Sea grasses are important because they filter sediments from the water, provide energy for reefs, prevent shoreline erosion, help anchor sediment to the sea floor, and provide a nursery for sea animals.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Marine Video Issue

This video is about pollution that is happening to the ocean.  The main problem is throwaway plastics that are non-biodegradable and are just sitting in the ocean for years upon years.  These plastics can be a terrible detriment to not only marine organisms but also some species of birds too as the plastics will likely wash up on land and be mistaken for food and eaten.  Although animals are hugely impacted by our negligence towards the plastics that we throw away, it can also affect our sources of food and the environment too.  We need to do something before we humans cause any further harm.  I thought that this video was very informational and I would rate it a 4 out of 5.